Yankees Do not Want Mazzone for Pitching Coach

Nov 16 2010
Yankees Do not Want Mazzone for Pitching Coach

Yankees Do not Want Mazzone for Pitching Coach - Image by Phil Romans via Flickr

The New York Yankees announced this morning that they have no interest in bringing Leo Mazzone to New York as a pitching coach.

In the Fall and Winter periods major league baseball teams make their deals hoping to attract the best and the brightest to their franchises. But certain people are often considered off-limits, and Leo Mazzone is one of those people.

Several years ago he was the famed pitching coach for the Atlanta Braves. At that time he was a major player in the world and considered a hot commodity. He turned down a position with New York at that time to leave the Braves and become the pitching coach for the Baltimore Orioles.

Now he is out of a job and is looking for a new position but nobody wants him. With New York out of the question, he is hoping that his call to the Giants, the World Series winners, will be returned with a job offer but that is not likely.

Speculation shows that the Giants are rather pleased with their pitching coach. As a matter of fact, many believe that the pitching was the only ace in the hole that the Giants had against the tough Texas Rangers.

So Mazzone is still searching for a job and the offers are not rolling in to say the least. Mazzone was with the Orioles just one season and failed to make any headway with the pitching staff before being fired.

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