White iPhone Delayed Again

Oct 27 2010
White iPhone Delayed Again

White iPhone Delayed Again - Image via Wikipedia

Apple has once again disappointed its customers by delaying the release of the White iPhone.

According to a new company statement, the white version of the popular smart phone will not be available until next spring, causing a stir in the tech world since the release has already been delayed three times.

The White iPhone is considered the most coveted of all the models that have been announced recently. Apple announced that white was the most requested color for the iPhone but would not be among the standard colors that were offered with the initial release.

Since that time Apple has been promising the new White iPhone but each time the deadline arrives, Apple does their little song and dance once again and puts off the release date.

First the White iPhone was scheduled to be ready for release in June. When June arrived the company recanted its statement and said that the new model would be available in July.

July came and went and Apple finally released a statement that said the White iPhone would be released “sometime later this year.” Now the change has been made to next spring and many customers are ready to move on.

A new app for the White iPhone is said to allow the user to reserve the coveted device. However, after some careful inspection and questions posed to Apple, the app is merely a game that was developed for distribution with the iPhone models.

Apple has not released a firm date for the White iPhone release.

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