Vikings Rookie End Arrested on Assault Charges

Feb 2 2011
Vikings Rookie End Arrested on Assault Charges

Vikings Rookie End Arrested on Assault Charges - Image via Wikipedia

Everson Griffen, the rookie defensive end for the Minnesota Vikings, was arrested yesterday on charges of assault and battery as well as resisting arrest.

According to the police reports Griffen was at a bar in LA when the police were called about a man enraged. When they arrived at the scene they found Griffen in a combative mood and attempting to fight with other patrons of the bar. At this point the police attempted to detain Griffen until he would calm down.

But the massive football player was not allowing the police to detain him and he attempted to flee after hitting one of the arresting officers. As a last ditch effort the police used a stun gun on Griffen to get him under control. Once he was down then the officers were able to get him into custody and maintain control.

By the time that they arrived at the jail Griffen had calmed down and was compliant with all of the officers. His bond was set at $50,000 but he was ordered to stay at least 24 hours before he could be released.

Griffen was released this morning on the bond amount. Now he will await the decision from the NFL to determine if he will be punished by the league. Under normal circumstances he will face some kind of sanctions from the league which could include fines and suspension from games when the new season starts. Griffen was a standout player for the 2010 season.

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