US Teen Birthrate Hits New Low

Dec 25 2010
US Teen Birthrate Hits New Low

US Teen Birthrate Hits New Low - Image via Wikipedia

The US federal government announced yesterday that the number of teens giving birth to children has hit a record low.

The information on the new teen birthrate has caused speculation about the possible reasons why. During the 1980’s the birthrate started to skyrocket and as such it was becoming a massive problem for schools and so on. At that point the federal government started mandating further education about safer sexual practices and increased security against pregnancy.

However, there were many who were questioning the culpability of the programs that were being taught. Most believed that they were too broad and not nearly targeted enough to do any real good.

Now those same people may be thinking something different. The birthrate has dropped so low that the government believes it is no longer a problem. Nonetheless, thousands of teens are still giving birth on a regular basis each year.

Many believe that the advances in certain birth control measures may have led to the decrease in the teen birthrate. With several new pill form birth controls on the market along with the easy access to condoms, it is very possible that this could have contributed to the overall decline in the number of teen births.

Still, several school systems plan to increase their efforts when speaking about sex and pregnancy in the coming year. Out of the teen girls that will give birth each year, only one percent of them will graduate from high school. Fewer than one percent will go on to college.

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