Unemployment Better in Most States

Nov 23 2010
Unemployment Better in Most States

Unemployment Better in Most States - Image by GDS Infographics via Flickr

The federal government announced today that most US states are seeing an improvement in unemployment.

The new unemployment numbers are a sign that the US economy is recovering faster than earlier expected, researchers said. They are expecting that the economic outlook for next year will be far better than in the past three and there may be a complete change in the unemployment numbers as well.

Unemployment has been the hardest nut for the federal government to crack since the recession struck. Many states are still sporting double-digit unemployment numbers but they are starting to decrease.

Several of the worst states have started highway and road construction projects from federal stimulus money, leading to the lower figures.

The decline in unemployment filings has also been linked to the increases in manufacturing as well as the retailers that are hiring holiday help. The federal officials expect to see a slight increase after the first of the year as the holiday jobs will come to an end.

There is still an air of joy when the federal government speaks about the economic situation. As jobs increase, exports rise and the stock market continues to rally, there are a lot of people who have hope for the future for the first time in years.

Still the national average for unemployment is 9.6% which President Obama calls significant. He hopes to decrease the number to 5% before the next election to increase his chances of being reelected for another term.

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