TSA Pat Downs Called Sexual Assault

Nov 20 2010
TSA Pat Downs Called Sexual Assault

TSA Pat Downs Called Sexual Assault - Image via Wikipedia

Protestors all over the US yesterday sent angry letters to the TSA, the Transportation Security Administration, suggesting that the new pat down procedures for airport security are likened to “sexual assault.”

This is just the next wave in protests against the new security protocols for boarding airplanes in the US. Security personnel have been ordered to give each person through the security checkpoint a complete pat down to check for possible weapons.

News outlets have been hit with thousands of angry letters, all speaking out about the new pat downs. However, the TSA chiefs have all said that the pat downs are here to stay and have been telling the public to get used to them.

Still there is a feeling by the general public, based on the letters and emails thus far, that the TSA has gone too far with their new procedures. Passengers are feeling violated after they move through security and as such many have said that they are not going to fly until the new procedures are pulled from the security process.

This could spell bad news for the airlines. They are counting on the profits from the busy holiday traveling season to make up for the past three years that have been rather lean for traveling.

TSA officials are bracing for the upcoming crush of travelers that are planning to hit the skies for the holiday season. However, those travelers can expect massive delays in security when they reach the terminal as the pat downs have slowed the process dramatically.

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