The Real Tiger Woods Returns

Dec 4 2010
The Real Tiger Woods Returns

The Real Tiger Woods Returns - Image via Wikipedia

Tiger Woods, one of the top golfers in the US, has finally found his stroke and is leading the Chevron World Challenge today by four strokes.

The meteoric rise and subsequent fall of Tiger Woods has been one of the top news stories of 2010. It all started when Woods was found sitting in the middle of the street one night after he had wrecked his SUV. Initial reports showed that he was seriously injured but it was later discovered that he received only minor injuries.

Then came the revelation that Woods had been carrying on extramarital affairs with several women all over the country while his wife was waiting at home. This was the beginning of the end for Tiger Woods in the 2010 season.

From that point on he started skipping major tournaments and left the public eye. He would eventually return to golf but it was easy to see that his personal issues were taking a toll on his game. He finished dead last in two tournaments and failed to make the cut for the Ryder Cup, having instead to count on a wildcard slot.

But it would appear that everything has changed. Woods is now playing in the last major tournament of 2010 and he is currently leading the pack. Now divorced, Woods seems to have found the magic that he once brought to the green. All signs point to Woods pulling off an impressive win at the Chevron World Challenge.

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