Teen Mom Star Charged for Attacking Boyfriend

Nov 19 2010
Teen Mom Star Charged for Attacking Boyfriend

Teen Mom Star Charged for Attacking Boyfriend - Image by Alternative Break Program via Flickr

Amber Portwood, star of Teen Mom, was officially charged yesterday by Anderson, Indiana police after assaulting her boyfriend, Gary Shirley.

Teen Mom is a show that follows young mothers, most of whom got pregnant in their early teens. The show follows through the development of the mothers as they learn to cope with having a child at such a young age.

Portwood was seen on camera attacking her boyfriend on several occasions. She was officially charged yesterday with two misdemeanors and one felony. The felony count was added because one of the alleged incidents took place while the couple’s one year old daughter was in the room.

Portwood has been one of the most controversial stars of the hit MTV show. She is well-known for her hair-trigger temper and for verbally and physically abusing her boyfriend, who is much larger than she is.

Her boyfriend, Gary Shirley, has been hailed as a hero in the situation. Shirley has never fought back when Portwood attacked him, choosing to remain calm throughout the attacks.

Now the freedom of Portwood is one the line. If she is found guilty of the charges then she could face 3 years in prison as well as a fine of up to $10,000. However, legal experts have said that she is unlikely to face any jail time if she has never been in trouble before.

MTV said that they hope to have a quick and fair resolution to the matter, according to the statement released by the network.

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