Tablets Abound at CES in Vegas

Jan 8 2011
Tablets Abound at CES in Vegas

Tablets Abound at CES in Vegas - Image via Wikipedia

The annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas ended on Friday and the hit of the show was clearly the new tablet computers that are ready for the market.

As expected, tablets were everywhere in the famed show, where electronics companies show off their new wares to the general public. However, missing from the show was the expected iPad2, which most believed would make its grand entrance at some point during the week.

Furthermore, most experts agree that there was no iPad killer anywhere to be found, despite the wide variety of new tablets that are ready for the market. Dozens of companies unveiled their own version of the tablet PC but none of them were up to par with the famed Apple offering.

Microsoft unveiled their own tablet PC at the show but now many believe that it is too late to make a real difference against the iPad. Nonetheless, it was the hit of the entire program as thousands flocked to the Microsoft booth to catch a glimpse of the famed tablet that will feature its own slide down keyboard, something that many have dreamed of for their iPad.

Of course there were the fringe electronics that often come out during the show and most of them never make it to the mass market. This year Lady GaGa was in attendance to push the new Kodak camera sunglasses. The glasses feature a built-in camera that allows hands free pictures where ever the person may be looking.

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