Stocks Slide Despite Expected Upswing in Retail Setting

Nov 26 2010
Stocks Slide Despite Expected Upswing in Retail Setting

Stocks Slide Despite Expected Upswing in Retail Setting - Image via Wikipedia

Stocks were down this week despite the expected gains in the holiday retail industry for the US marketplace.

Industry experts have said that the stock slide is probably in relation to the issues with the Euro, once the strongest foreign currency that has recently dipped in market value. This has hit the US stock market hard recently as the decline of the European market has managed to drag down US interests.

Businesses from all over the US are expecting record numbers this year, especially after today’s massive retail sales push. This, according to the experts, should be enough to boost the stock market to a significant degree.

Struggling traders are looking for an outlet and there have been few available recently. That means that the stock figures have been dropping in recent trading. Foreign markets have dried up where in the past they have been havens for those seeking massive payouts.

As the US markets continue to bounce between healthy and downtrodden, speculators have been finding new life in old products. The crude oil market has been a constant source for income in the speculation market.

With crude oil linked to the gold market, investors are finding new income levels and sources for long term investments. This is coupled with the gold investors who are enjoying a long run with high prices and record breaking numbers on the returns.

Experts have said that the housing market improvements that will come in the next year will bolster the US stock market enough to maintain some stability.

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