Spider-Man Broadway Show Hits another Wall

Dec 5 2010
Spider-Man Broadway Show Hits another Wall

Spider-Man Broadway Show Hits another Wall - Image via Wikipedia

As of yesterday the Spider-Man Broadway show has lost three actors to extensive injuries, making it the most dangerous show in US history.

Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark was meant to be an extravaganza of popular culture meeting musical theater. The show features high wire acts and amazing stunts with a hot musical score. However, since opening day there has been nothing but accidents and mishaps to hit the show.

The production itself has cost a total of $65 million. This makes it the most expensive Broadway production in history. The previous record was held by Cats, with $25 million. But it would appear that Spider-Man is not going to stick to the Broadway area for as long as Cats.

During the first performance for early ticket sellers and group dealers, the lead actor fell from a high wire and broke both wrists. Yesterday a young woman who plays the spider that bites Peter Parker fell from her rigging and suffered a concussion.

Then the first performance for the general public was launched and the show suffered even more problems. Few of the riggings would work and most of the actors found themselves in embarrassing positions as they waited for the riggings to lift them above the stage.

The producers are concerned that the show will be a flop which will make it much harder for the future of such pop culture based programs. Broadway producers have been searching for ways to attract younger crowds to their shows with the likes of Spider-Man.

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