Samsung Tablet Lagging in Sales

Feb 1 2011
Samsung Tablet Lagging in Sales

Samsung Tablet Lagging in Sales - Image via Wikipedia

Sales of the new Galaxy Tablet by Samsung in the US are lagging according to a new report released this morning.

The tablet was designed to be a complete competitor for the Apple offering in the market but thus far they have been falling behind the curve. According to the report, the Galaxy tablet is making up less than one percent of the US tablet markets.

With the market continuing to grow stronger for tablet sales in the US, many companies are starting to see the light. However, those same companies need to understand, according to the industry experts, that the tablets have to be similar to the iPad or they will fall flat.

The problem, according to several tech experts, is the fact that the Galaxy tablet is smaller and less powerful despite the fact that it is nearly the same price as the iPad. Most consumers have said that they would rather pay the premium price for the iPad rather than getting a smaller unit for the same money.

This is troubling to many in the market who would like to see some alternatives to the Apple products. However, the rush to get the products to market appears to be causing inferior products to be sold.

During the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas dozens of tech companies unveiled new tablet computers for the US market. However, most of the tablets are still in the design phase and will likely not make it to the market until Christmas of 2011.

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