Samsung Galaxy Tab Ships 1 Million Units

Dec 4 2010
Samsung Galaxy Tab Ships 1 Million Units

Samsung Galaxy Tab Ships 1 Million Units - Image via Wikipedia

Samsung, maker of the new Galaxy Tablet PC, announced last night that they had shipped 1 million units in the US since the tablets launch.

The Galaxy tab was meant to be a direct competitor of the iPad from Apple. However, early on many were concerned because interest in the new device was very limited. Still things were moving forward for the Samsung device as it showed off more features and increased power, things that the iPad seems to be lacking.

Now that the company has managed to ship 1 million units, they will finally start to rival the iPad in sheer power. Customers appear to be flocking to the tablet that runs on the impressive Android operating system and is available on all major wireless carrier networks.

This is a big change from the Apple iPad. Apple is notorious for limiting the number of carriers that will be allowed to sell their new devices. The company has just recently opened up the iPhone system to be available on the Verizon network along with the iPad device.

However, the pricing issue has been a problem for Samsung thus far. Most of the carriers have decided to price the new tablet at the same level as the iPad, despite the fact that it is 3 inches smaller in the screen size. This has put off some new customers who have simply decided to go with the larger model that is very similar in price and quality overall.

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