President Agrees to Fix Healthcare Reform Act

Jan 28 2011
President Agrees to Fix Healthcare Reform Act

President Agrees to Fix Healthcare Reform Act - Image via Wikipedia

President Obama took the podium yesterday in Washington to speak with congressional leaders about his desire to fix, not repeal, the healthcare reform act.

According to his statements, the act is solid in substance but has some areas that need to be adjusted. As such he is calling on the now republican controlled House to work with him to fix the problems and maintain the right path for the American people.

Republicans continue with their forward movement towards repeal of the entire bill. The major problem that they are dealing with is that the democrat controlled Senate will not approve the repeal. Without the Senate approval then the president can simply use his powers of veto to kill the repeal.

But the President has said that he is not prepared to do that at this time. He told reporters that he would rather work with Congress to fix the entire bill and allow it to continue working throughout the US.

Even congressional leaders have admitted that there are some parts of the bill that they would likely keep. But they are not in agreement on most things and they are planning to seek some kind of compromise with the president or the Senate, whichever one is willing to make a deal.

Now that the bill has been repealed by Congress they have the ability to draft their own version but they are not likely to act on that right until the Senate vote has been decided.

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