Phillies Dreams Dashed by Giants

Oct 24 2010
Phillies Dreams Dashed by Giants

Phillies Dreams Dashed by Giants - Image via Wikipedia

The Phillies were hopeful going into last night’s division title game. As the turning point game the Phillies needed a big win, one that would take them to the World Series.

However, they fell to the Giants by a single run, allowing their top rated team to leave the ballpark with their heads hung low.

For many this would be a game to remember. The Phillies were the best team in the National league. They had the best record, the best pitching and the best offense of any among the contenders. However, they were felled by the Giants, a team that no one expected to even make the playoffs.

As a team the Phillies are considered mighty. They have a massive payroll and attract some of the biggest names in the league. None of that mattered last night though when they took the field against the Giants. All that mattered was the number of runs on the board.

During the last inning the Phillies had one on with two outs. Their saving grace was to be Ryan Howard, one of their power hitters who is known for getting on base when the screws are on.

Howard was facing Brian Wilson, a rookie pitcher from the Giants. Since entering the game Wilson had been tossing the hard ball and striking out batters. Howard was over-confident, according to his own words, and ended with a strike out after a foul tip.

Reporters have said that the Phillies clubhouse was muted. Bottles of celebratory champagne sat unopened that feet of the players who were dreaming of a World Series title.

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