Passengers Want Childless Flights

Nov 18 2010
Passengers Want Childless Flights

Passengers Want Childless Flights - Image byeigi via Flickr


Travelers from around the US have called upon the airlines in New York to start offering child free flights for those that wish to avoid the headaches of children on airplanes. 

For many there is nothing worse than having to sit next to a screaming child on a three-hour flight. This has been the bane of many flyers existence for years as they find that more people are traveling with their children on a regular basis. 

Now the passengers are hoping that they will be able to convince the airlines to start offering child free flights and they all say that they would gladly pay extra for such a service. The fact is that most of them are single business travelers who find no joy in children on board airplanes. 

But the airlines are resisting such calls. They have already come under fire for charging extra fares for those passengers that are overweight and it is unlikely that they will be willing to start moving flight schedules around to avoid having children on board the planes. 

Still, this has become a major issue for travelers in the past several years. There are a good many cases where the mood on an airplane turns ugly when an unruly child is present. With parents limiting their discipline more and more, children are often allowed to run around unchecked, much to the distress of other passengers. 

For now the planes will fly with children on board but it is a possibility that the call for childless flights could become a reality if the airlines see enough profit from the proposition. 

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