Nurse Fired for Peeking at Tiger Woods Records Sues

Jan 21 2011
Nurse Fired for Peeking at Tiger Woods Records Sues

Nurse Fired for Peeking at Tiger Woods Records Sues - Image via Wikipedia

David Rothenburg, a nurse at the hospital where Tiger Woods was taken after his famed SUV crash, is suing the Health Central facility for reinstatement and back pay. Rothenburg was fired for viewing the medical records for Woods despite not being assigned to his case.

This is the third time that Rothenburg has applied for his reinstatement to the hospital since the incident. Hospital officials have said that Rothenburg is likely that leak that allowed the private medical information to be sent to the media after Woods wrecked his SUV while drunk.

This wreck set off the chain of events that would eventually lead to Woods divorcing and being found to have several mistresses all over the country.

However, Rothenburg announced that he was not the leak and that he simply logged into the hospital computer to check the records of another patient but left the computer logged in. He claims that another employee was responsible for the leak and says that he was simply a victim of circumstance.

Rothenburg has sued the hospital for $400,000 which will include his back pay and medical insurance. He is also asking for full reinstatement with all benefits and seniority attached.

Tiger Woods sued the hospital after his records were leaked to the press following his accident. He was awarded a cash settlement for the hospital violating patient privacy rules that were enacted by the federal government 5 years ago. The hospital has declined to comment on the current lawsuit.

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