National Park Marks Lincoln Election Date

Nov 6 2010
National Park Marks Lincoln Election Date

National Park Marks Lincoln Election Date - Image via Wikipedia

National Parks all over the US released a statement today about their intentions to mark a special occasion with four years of events.

These events will revolve around the election of Abraham Lincoln, his political career and the uprising that led to the Civil War. According to the parks department, they want to raise awareness about the Civil War and show that it was more than just fighting between the states.

The celebration that marks 150 years since the onset of the war, is set to begin with a reenactment of the election where Lincoln took office. Lincoln is still considered one of the finest presidents in the history of the US. However, his personal life was often kept out of the spotlight, something that the reenactment will change.

The parks department wishes to highlight the fact that the Civil War was brewing far longer than just the time of Lincoln. Tensions over slavery and commerce had mounted well before Lincoln took office. It was made clear that he was simply the catalyst that tipped the scales in favor of the war.

Travelers will be welcomed to the many National Parks by actors dressed in period garb. They will then be allowed to follow through the lives of many who lived during the Civil War. Depending on which park is visited, the travelers will have an opportunity to see the war from both sides, North and South.

Over the next four years the parks department will continue with events that end with the surrender by Lee and the eventual assassination of Lincoln.

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