National Geographic Launches Travel Channel

Jan 27 2011
National Geographic Launches Travel Channel

National Geographic Launches Travel Channel - Image via Wikipedia

National Geographic, one of the most popular media companies in the world, announced this morning that they have launched a new adventure travel channel for US customers of cable programming.

National Geographic has long been known, as a magazine, for taking people around the world through photographs and writing. Now they plan to add more to their lineup of television programs with the adventure travels.

They have teamed with another adventure group to tackle this lofty feat. The programming will feature a set of travelers that will set off on several adventures, the kind that the normal traveler would avoid for the most part.

They will climb high mountains and visit monasteries to visit with monks that still live in the old ways despite the modern age. When asked about the cost of such programming the company said that they will offer special discounts to advertisers until the shows take hold.

Adventure travel is nothing new in this world. There are dozens of men and women that spend their time risking life and limb to reach discount localities that are often not visited by humans.

However, these programs are a hit with most of the television viewership. Several of the programs teach people how to survive in certain conditions, something that is in the works for National Geographic as well, and those shows have topped the charts for many years.

The adventure channel will launch this spring after the first round of shows has been produced.

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