Microsoft to Launch iPad Killer

Dec 14 2010
Microsoft to Launch iPad Killer

Microsoft to Launch iPad Killer - Image via Wikipedia

Microsoft announced this morning that they are finally planning to launch their own tablet device in the US market that is designed to compete with the Apple iPad.

Microsoft has said that they will announce the launch of a Windows Phone 7 enabled tablet at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The show will take place in January of 2011 and will mark the final leg in the long journey for Microsoft to compete with Apple in the broad and lucrative tablet PC market.

According to the reports, Microsoft has enlisted Samsung to be the creator of the new device, which will directly compete with their own offering of the Samsung Galaxy tablet. However, the Microsoft tablet will be in a completely different realm than the Galaxy tablet.

First and foremost the Microsoft offering will be similar in size and shape to the iPad. Currently the iPad is 10 inches and is a rectangular shape. Furthermore, the Microsoft tablet will feature a full retractable keyboard, something that is often considered as a good addition to the iPad.

When the official announcement and unveiling is complete Microsoft will finally be involved in the tablet market. They have been searching for a way to improve the sales of their Windows Phone 7 operating system. Since its launch the operating system has shown only mediocre numbers despite positive reviews from users all over the world.

Apple is expected to announce the iPad 2 at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas as well.

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