McDonald’s Sued again over Happy Meals

Dec 15 2010
McDonald’s Sued again over Happy Meals

McDonald’s Sued again over Happy Meals - Image via Wikipedia

McDonalds, the world largest US-based fast food chain, announced today that they have received word of yet another lawsuit being filed against them over their Happy Meal selections.

According to the lawsuit, McDonalds has taken part in deceptive advertising practices by luring children to their stores with promises of toys in their high fat and calorie meals. The suit is seeking class action status and looks to cost the chain several million in legal fees to battle the suit in open court.

This suit comes after McDonald’s was ordered to stop including toys with their children’s meals in the state of California. The ban alleged that McDonalds was creating weight loss problems with children by enticing them to want the meals with the toys.

This is not the first time that McDonalds has been sued. Several years ago a class action suit was filed by parents of children that were obese. The suit alleged that McDonalds was responsible for the weight problems because of their high in calorie foods.

The suit was dismissed by the court system for a lack of merit. However, the newest case is likely to be granted class action status according to legal experts. The case was filed by the Center for Science and Public Interest, which is a non-profit consumer advocacy group.

McDonalds is currently fighting the ban in California on their toy selections in the court system. The matter is not likely to be resolved for several years.

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