Lohan Dropped from Porn Biopic

Nov 21 2010
Lohan Dropped from Porn Biopic

Lohan Dropped from Porn Biopic - Image via Wikipedia

Lindsay Lohan is learning some hard lessons these days and yesterday she learned that she lost her role in the porn biopic Inferno, set to begin shooting in Louisiana next month.

Lohan has been part of the Inferno film from the very beginning but her run-ins with the law have prevented the film from being produced.

The director, Matthew Wilder, stuck with Lohan throughout her ordeal, even agreeing to move the production to California when Lohan was banned from leaving the state.

But now things have changed. Wilder discovered that insuring Lohan after her drug problems and probation violations would become impossible. He also cites some personal reasons for the departure though he refused to comment on the exact reasoning.

Now Inferno will begin with a new lead, Malin Ackerman, who most recently starred in Watchmen. Ackerman will take over the role of Linda Lovelace, the famed porn star who appeared in the film Deepthroat.

Lovelace’s story is one of abuse and torture. She reportedly entered the porn industry via her husband who beat her on a daily basis and forced her to make money from sex on film.

Lovelace would eventually become a supporter of the anti-porn movement and women’s rights in the world before dying from injuries suffered in a car accident.

Lohan has reported that she actually quit the Inferno production but Wilder says that he withdrew his offer. Both sides have been firing off accusations in the case with Lohan standing firm that she left the production for her own personal reasons.

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