Lindsay Lohan Faces Criminal Theft Charges

Feb 6 2011
Lindsay Lohan Faces Criminal Theft Charges

Lindsay Lohan Faces Criminal Theft Charges - Image via Wikipedia

Embattled actress Lindsay Lohan learned yesterday that she will face criminal charges in LA stemming from the theft of a necklace from a high-end jewelry store.

According to the charges, Lohan tried the necklace on and then walked out of the store. The necklace was eventually returned after photographs of her wearing it were posted to several celebrity gossip sites but the store still demanded that charges be filed in the case.

Lohan has fired back that the necklace was legally borrowed from the store. It is not uncommon for celebrities to borrow jewelry from stores for events, such as the Oscars. The stores use the idea as an advertising gimmick to increase sales.

However, the store has said that it takes a massive amount of paperwork to borrow from their store and they have no such papers on file. But Lohan contends that her people were supposed to file the paperwork and she believed that it was all taken care of.

Her attorney was informed of the charges yesterday and said that they will fight them all the way through trial. If convicted Lohan faces three years in prison on top of the violation of her probation that could give her an additional six months in jail.

The District Attorney has denied the filing of the official charges at this point but reported that a news conference will be held on Monday to review the case. Lohan is due back in court for her probation status later this month.

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