Job Stress Increases Heart Risks in Women

Nov 15 2010
Job Stress Increases Heart Risks in Women

Job Stress Increases Heart Risks in Women - Image via Wikipedia

A new study released yesterday in the US shows that women are more likely to develop heart problems if they have a stressful job.

The outcome of this five-year study has highlighted the problems that women have in high stress positions. This is coupled with the fact that most women are still responsible for the care and health of their families on top of their positions in the business world.

The problem, according to the research, is that women tend to worry more about things, such as the potential for job loss, then the men of the US do. This means that they will more likely develop problems in the cardiac area that can lead to heart attacks and strokes down the road.

Fixing the problem is not going to be easy, most experts say. Worrying about such things is part of the female process and they also tend to be better prepared when disaster strikes. All in all they normally find a solution to the problem well before a man would.

Still, the evidence is there that more women each year are developing heart related illnesses. Furthermore, it is often more difficult to treat heart related issues in women, according to leading doctors. The hormone issues that face women are counteractive to the heart treatments that most doctors would prescribe.

Lowering stress in the workplace has become a major concern for employers. Women all over the US are looking for ways to work without the high levels of stress that are common in most industries.

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