Jeff Bridges Enjoying the Tough Roles

Dec 19 2010
Jeff Bridges Enjoying the Tough Roles

Jeff Bridges Enjoying the Tough Roles - Image via Wikipedia

Oscar-winning actor Jeff Bridges spoke with reporters yesterday and admitted that he is enjoying the tough roles these days as opposed to the supporting roles he has played for years. Bridges was in Los Angeles for the opening of his new film True Grit.

Bridges is involved in a lot these days. Last year he won an Oscar for his portrayal of a rum soaked country singer who finally hits it big in Crazy Heart. He admitted that it was the best time in his life when he accepted the Oscar for Best Actor and spoke of his sorrow that his late parents could not be there to see his success.

Bridges followed up the Crazy Heart success with a reboot film, Tron: Legacy. Bridges played the lead in the original 1982 film and shares the spotlight this time around with the lead character for the science fiction cult classic. Bridges told the reporters that the film is not a sequel but more of a retelling of a classic story.

Now Bridges has decided to take on his toughest role yet. He plays Rooster Cogburn, the heavy drinking US Marshal once played by John Wayne. He has once again teamed with the Coen Brothers to make this film.

Bridges admits that he is not trying to take over the spot made famous by John Wayne but rather to give the film a new feeling. The Coen Brothers have decided to base the film on the bestselling book more so than the last movie, making something new and exciting.

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