Ines Sainz Wants Jets to Win the Super Bowl

Jan 12 2011
Ines Sainz Wants Jets to Win the Super Bowl

Ines Sainz Wants Jets to Win the Super Bowl - Image via Wikipedia

Ines Sainz, the Mexican reporter that claimed the New York Jets sexually harassed her while she was doing an interview, told reporters this morning that she believes that the Jets will take the Super Bowl this year.

Sainz was the center of a storm of controversy during the early days of the professional football season. Sainz was with the Jets for a day of practice and was planning to interview as many of the players that she could. She told the newspapers that she entered the locker rooms and was sexually harassed by players and several coaches.

However, Sainz did not hold the Jets management responsible for the event and never filed suit. She was interviewed by the NFL but no punishment ever came of the events. However, the NFL did reprimand the team for the event.

Now the Jets have funded a completely new sexual harassment policy and class. The class will be mandatory for all players and coaches for the next season. This was part of the settlement agreement with the NFL over the incident.

Still Sainz holds no hard feelings against the Jets and she told reporters that she wants them to win the Super Bowl. She said that she believes they are the best team in the playoffs at this time and she is planning to wager friends that they will take the hop honors.

The Jets had no comment when asked about Sainz or her report to the media.

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