HP Plans WebOS for Netbooks

Jan 17 2011
HP Plans WebOS for Netbooks

HP Plans WebOS for Netbooks - Image via Wikipedia

Hewlett-Packard, the world’s largest computer manufacturer, announced this morning that they are developing their own operating system for the US market that will be a standard for mobile, computing and even printer applications.

This newest insight by HP shows that they are planning to get their hands on a bigger piece of the computer market. Like most other companies, HP relies heavily on other companies, such as Microsoft, when it comes to the operating systems that they offer with their products. HP is hoping to change all of that very soon.

WebOS, the planned system, will first appear in the Netbooks that have become so popular around the US. Unlike full size laptops, netbooks require far less in the way of actual operating systems because they are not designed to do anything but surf the web.

However, HP has said that they will also develop the WebOS to work with smart phones, tablet computers and even printers. This speaks to the decision by the company to further increase the power of their printers and give each of them a bit more usefulness.

HP will unveil the complete WebOS line later this year, most likely in the spring. They are banking on consumer support when it comes to the new operating system as inside reports have shown that they have spent a total of $45 million in development for the new system and it is not even on the market yet.

Many believe that software is the future of the HP corporation.

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