Homeless Crack Addict Hired by Cavaliers

Jan 6 2011
Homeless Crack Addict Hired by Cavaliers

Homeless Crack Addict Hired by Cavaliers - Image via Wikipedia

The Cleveland Cavaliers announced last night that they have hired Ted Williams as their main announcer, a man who has spent the last 20 years homeless in Ohio.

Williams was once an up and coming radio personality when he fell into the trappings of drugs to go along with his fame. He was soon addicted to crack and lost everything that he had. For the past 20 years he has lived on the streets and panhandled to make a living.

But thanks to a YouTube video Williams is getting a second lease on life. While panhandling a young man decided to take a video of Williams and post it to the internet. It was not long before the video had gone viral and Williams was known as the man with the Golden Voice.

The Cleveland Cavaliers were quick to offer Williams a job as an announcer and to sweeten the deal they also agreed to buy him a house.

Right now Williams is on a media tour, traveling to all of the major news outlets to be interviewed on his meteoric rise to fame. He finally met with his mother today after 20 years. Williams had cut his mother out of his life when he fell into crack and legal troubles but feels that he is finally able to be the son that she deserves.

Williams is set to meet with the Cavaliers next week to discuss the terms of his employment and new home.

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