Happy Meal Toys Banned From Use

Nov 5 2010
Happy Meal Toys Banned from Use

Happy Meal Toys Banned from Use - Image via Wikipedia

San Francisco has enacted a historical ban today on a practice that has been working since 1979.

During 1979 McDonald’s starting giving away free toys with every Happy Meal purchase. Now the largest city in California has banned the toys from all kid’s meals, hoping to curb the problem of childhood obesity.

The measure was first announced earlier this year. However, the board of the city voted today to enact the ban. This is against all expectations by other lawmakers who believed that the measure would fail during the vote.

Now all fast food restaurants that offer such toys have been ordered to stop passing them out. They have also been told that further healthy choices should be made for children on their menus. However, some legal experts believe that the board members have overstepped their boundaries with the ban.

Many of the fast food companies that have been affected by the ban have pledged to file lawsuits against the ban. They have said that the new measure prevents them from doing business as they have for decades.

The companies also contend that they have made great strides to increase healthy options for children on their menus. McDonald’s has pointed to the milk as an alternative beverage as well as the addition of apple slices instead of French Fries.

Other major cities around the US are calling on San Francisco hoping to learn how they can enact such a ban. New York appears to be the most interested, hoping to drop their high numbers in early onset obesity.

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