Florida Deepfreeze Disappoints Tourists

Dec 15 2010
Florida Deepfreeze Disappoints Tourists

Florida Deepfreeze Disappoints Tourists - Image via Wikipedia

The Florida Tourist Association announced today that tourist dollars are dipping because of the extreme low temperatures that have been felt in the area recently.

Florida has long been prized for the mild temperatures even throughout the colder months throughout the US. People from the North often travel to the state to live out the winter months without having to deal with the snow and ice that often hits the other parts of the US.

However, a recent drop in temperatures has caused a massive drop in the number of people who are traveling to the state. This has created a shortfall in the money that is being spent in the state by tourists.

All over Florida there are small cities and towns that rely heavily on the tourist trade. When the weather turns bad these areas are hit hard and often suffer the most. The small businesses that thrive on tourist money are often closing early to avoid paying higher utilities and so on when there is no business.

The forecast for the coming week shows a continued low temperature system. The citrus farms have already skirted past one freeze that could have ruined the entire crop and devastated the entire area.

The other real problem in Florida with such temperatures in the area is the fact that most homes are not equipped with any type of heat. This means that the rush to buy small electric or kerosene heaters is on and they are selling out faster than the stores can restock their shelves.

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