Fake Passports Found in Florida Travel Agency

Nov 2 2010
Fake Passports Found in Florida Travel Agency

Fake Passports Found in Florida Travel Agency - Image via Wikipedia

A Florida travel agent found himself in the middle of an issue that is rather unique. He received a call from someone who wanted to book three airline tickets.

This was nothing out of the ordinary but when you consider that the caller was from Africa and that he wanted the tickets to fly to Germany, things got a little strange.

Steve Crandall, president of Discount Travel in Florida, said it is not uncommon for people from out-of-town to call his agency to book flights. However, this is the first time that someone from a foreign country called looking for flights. Crandall informed the caller that he would have to send in the passports for the passengers.

When the passports arrived Crandall had some concerns. He had heard of some forged passports being used in recent months and decided that he needed to check it out. He informed the police and handed over all information to law enforcement officials.

Financial scams originating in Africa are very common but Crandall was more concerned about the possibility of terrorism. However, it came to be known that the credit card information that Crandall received for the caller was fake as well.

This situation has highlighted the problems that often face travel agents from around the world. They have to be the first line of security when it comes to who will fly and why.

Furthermore, they have to protect their business from scammers who are looking to make a fast buck.

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