Facebook Raises $1.5 Billion with Investment Push

Jan 23 2011
Facebook Raises $1.5 Billion with Investment Push

Facebook Raises $1.5 Billion with Investment Push - Image via CrunchBase

Facebook, Silicon Valley’s most popular company, announced yesterday that they have landed $1.5 billion in funding through private investments in the famed social network.

The company received a major push from several overseas private investors who were thrilled with the chance to own a piece of the social network. However, the matter of what to do with the money has come up. Of course Mark Zuckerberg, boy wonder CEO, has said that he knows what comes next for the company.

Zuckerberg and his team will continue to create new innovations for the company, attempting to keep it fresh. Freshness is a big deal for the web companies and a hard lesson learned from other sites such as MySpace.

Facebook understands that new ideas and complex plans are the way to go for the company, ensuring that they are able to hold on to their users. The problem with most social networks is people will start to get bored, and in the process of their boredom they will go elsewhere for their networking.

Facebook plans to prevent that by using their new-found wealth to increasingly change the site and create new ideas that will keep the users interested.

The planned IPO is coming soon for the company, which is expected to be the hottest of all stock sales since the famed Dot Com boom. Early estimates put the stock prices in Facebook somewhere in the area of $500 per share, with premium shares fetching even more. 

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