Charlie Sheen Released from Hospital

Jan 28 2011
Charlie Sheen Released from Hospital

Charlie Sheen Released from Hospital - Image via Wikipedia

Charlie Sheen, star of the hit comedy Two and a Half Men, was released from the hospital this morning in California after a 36 bender aggravated his hernia.

Sheen suffers from a common form of hernia in the esophagus that is aggravated when stomach acid backs up into the area. This is commonly known as acid reflux and it can cause tremendous pain.

Sheen was in the middle of a drug and alcohol fueled party with dozens of porn stars when he doubled over in pain and was rushed to the hospital via ambulance. Once he arrived at the hospital his father, acting veteran Martin Sheen and his former wife Denise Richards appeared.

Early reports said that Sheen was suffering from an overdose but those were discredited early on. The hospital released a report approved by Sheen and his people discussing the details of his case.

Sheen was released early this morning and was said to have gone home to rest with friends. Several people who attended the party said that Sheen arranged for a briefcase full of cocaine to be delivered and he spent the better part of one night smoking the drug.

He was also drinking heavily which according to doctors, can aggravate acid reflux.

Sheen was asked if he would be going to rehab to which he replied a stern “No.” His co-workers and family members are said to be incredibly worried about his health and his penchant for partying hard over the course of several days.

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