Category archives for: Sports

New sports approved by I.O.C for next next Tokyo 2020 Olympic games

New sports approved by I.O.C for next next Tokyo 2020 Olympic games

The International Olympic Committee, i.e. IOC, today consented to include baseball/softball, karate, skateboard, sports climbing and surfing to the games program for the Olympic Games of Tokyo 2020. The choice to select Rio de Janeiro for 2016 was the most far reaching advancement of the Olympic project in cutting edge history. Plans call for organizing […]

Player Lockout Troubling the NFL

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announced this morning that he plans extensive negotiations with all club owners to prevent a possible player lockout in the 2011 NFL season. At this point the club owners want increased payments, better salary requirements and more control over the teams that they own. The NFL is not willing to give […]

Vikings Rookie End Arrested on Assault Charges

Everson Griffen, the rookie defensive end for the Minnesota Vikings, was arrested yesterday on charges of assault and battery as well as resisting arrest. According to the police reports Griffen was at a bar in LA when the police were called about a man enraged. When they arrived at the scene they found Griffen in […]

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