Category archives for: Shopping

White iPhone Delayed Again

Apple has once again disappointed its customers by delaying the release of the White iPhone. According to a new company statement, the white version of the popular smart phone will not be available until next spring, causing a stir in the tech world since the release has already been delayed three times. The White iPhone […]

Starbucks Expands Phone-In Payments

Earlier this year Starbucks launched a new system in 16 stores where customers could use their Blackberry smart phones to pay for their coffee orders. Today, the company has announced that they will expand on that service to more than 300 locations. Furthermore, the company has increased the number of mobile devices that can be […]

Microsoft Opens Games on Windows Marketplace

Late yesterday Microsoft announced that they would now allow PC based games to be purchased through Windows Marketplace, their one-stop shop for software. The launch of PC games on the website is set to take place on November 15th, just ahead of the busy holiday shopping season. Microsoft already allows some games to be downloaded […]

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