Category archives for: Shopping

Samsung Galaxy Tab Ships 1 Million Units

Samsung, maker of the new Galaxy Tablet PC, announced last night that they had shipped 1 million units in the US since the tablets launch. The Galaxy tab was meant to be a direct competitor of the iPad from Apple. However, early on many were concerned because interest in the new device was very limited. […]

Google Slams Customer Bashing Web Retailer

Google, the Silicon Valley search engine giant, dealt a devastating blow to a top online retailer today when it pushed the companies search ranking to the lowest point., a retailer for glasses has been using a little known but once effective technique to bolster its position in the search rankings. The company started treating […]

Kinect System Topples Sales Records

Microsoft announced this morning that sales of their Kinect gaming system toppled all sales records in the US. Thus far over 2.5 million Kinect controllers have sold to consumers in the US. This is a tremendous boost for Microsoft who needed a consumer hit this season. Microsoft has been struggling to keep their Xbox360 gaming system […]

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