Category archives for: Finance

Sara Lee Rejects Buyout Offer

Sara Lee, the largest US-based frozen dessert maker, announced this morning that they have rejected a buyout offer from a private equity firm because the figure was too low. The private equity firm placed a bid with Sara Lee officers which worked out to $18 per share for the company, including taking over millions in debt. […]

Facebook Raises $1.5 Billion with Investment Push

Facebook, Silicon Valley’s most popular company, announced yesterday that they have landed $1.5 billion in funding through private investments in the famed social network. The company received a major push from several overseas private investors who were thrilled with the chance to own a piece of the social network. However, the matter of what to […]

Wells Fargo Refuses to Settle Bad Mortgage Claims

Wells Fargo, the second largest provider of mortgage loans in the US, announced this morning that they will not settle financially with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae over faulty mortgages. Last month it was reported that Bank of America would buy back millions in mortgage loans from the clearing houses that were based on faulty […]

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