Category archives for: Finance

Viacom to Sell Video Game Franchise

Viacom, based in New York, announced today that they are selling Harmonix, the company behind the hit video game franchise “Rock Band.” For the past two years the video game division has been a drag on the total profits for Viacom. As shoppers continue to use discretion when making purchases, expensive games like Rock Band, […]

Unemployment Steady but Not Falling

Unemployment Steady but Not Falling

The US unemployment figures, released this morning, are not in line with what lawmakers are hoping to see at this late stage in the economic recovery. Several US states continue to post double-digit unemployment figures, with California, Nevada and Michigan leading the way. However, the federal government considers the fact that the figures have stayed […]

Ballmer Sells Huge Chunk of Microsoft Shares

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced today that he sold 50 million shares in his company last week, worth an estimated $1.3 billion. Ballmer also announced that he plans to sell an additional 25 million shares in the coming month. Microsoft issued a statement on behalf of Ballmer, hoping to head off any negative connotations about […]

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