Category archives for: Entertainment

MTV to Reboot Beavis and Butthead

The famed television network MTV announced this morning that they will reboot a former hit show, Beavis and Butthead, and once again start showing music videos to the US subscribers. Beavis and Butthead was a cartoon program that premiered in the 1990’s and broke all of the rules. It featured two sex obsessed teenage boys […]

Sheen Rehab Threatens Hit Show

CBS, the network that carries the hit sitcom Two and a Half Men, announced this morning that production of the show has been suspended for three months while the star, Charlie Sheen receives treatment in a rehab facility. The early reports on Sheen suggested that he would be in rehab for just one month, the […]

Charlie Sheen Released from Hospital

Charlie Sheen, star of the hit comedy Two and a Half Men, was released from the hospital this morning in California after a 36 bender aggravated his hernia. Sheen suffers from a common form of hernia in the esophagus that is aggravated when stomach acid backs up into the area. This is commonly known as […]

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