Blind-Booking Options from Expedia for Hotels
By Terry GreenOct 25 2010
Expedia, the Online booking site is partnering with Hotwire which shall come up with blind booking option for hotel rooms for travelers looking to have easy ones. The companies on Monday announced officially their partnership.
This will allow the travelers to select from wide range of 25000 hotels at a discount of fifty percent across the globe. However, the travelers would not be able to see the name of the property before they book.
In an interview with Associated Press, Clem Bason who is the president Hotwire said that blind booking sites like Hotwire gained huge popularity during recession. The trest is still active as there are few deals and hotel room prices are rising continuously.
This blind booking will also fill most of the hotel rooms which would have otherwise been empty most of the year.
In this partnership, Hotwire will decide the pricing, display and back-end hotel facilities and Expedia customers can select hotels by location, star ratings and travel dates to make it easy for them to select.
Expedia, which is an online booking company based in Bellevue, Wash is testing an offer with “Unpublished rates” since last summer.
This will be great for most travelers who are looking for cheap hotel bookings and are interested in fast booking. With the rising prices of hotels and economy stabilizing, there will be huge demand for such service to book the hotels in advance before one travels to any place abroad or in the same country.