Author Archive
Stories written by Terry Green

Higher Prices at the Pump for Holiday Travel

A statement issued this morning to the press shows that US consumers who are planning on traveling near Thanksgiving will likely see higher gas prices. Like years past, prices at the pump are expected to be at least fifteen cents higher than other times during the year for the holiday traveling season. While this is […]

National Park Marks Lincoln Election Date

National Parks all over the US released a statement today about their intentions to mark a special occasion with four years of events. These events will revolve around the election of Abraham Lincoln, his political career and the uprising that led to the Civil War. According to the parks department, they want to raise awareness […]

Fake Passports Found in Florida Travel Agency

A Florida travel agent found himself in the middle of an issue that is rather unique. He received a call from someone who wanted to book three airline tickets. This was nothing out of the ordinary but when you consider that the caller was from Africa and that he wanted the tickets to fly to […]

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