Author Archive
Stories written by Robert Davis

Jobless Rates Still Near Record Highs

A government agency charged with tracking the US jobless rates released a new report yesterday that shows the rate is still near record highs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that while the numbers remained even in many cases, some states are still seeing high numbers, pointing to a slower than expected recovery. Of the […]

Mortgage Bailout Future Improving

The Federal Housing Finance Agency announced today that the bailout of the two largest mortgage companies has improved. Citing new interests in the market, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are set to receive only $19 billion more in bailout funds this year, far less than the $300 billion that was originally projected for the troubled […]

Morgan Stanley Profits Dip As Trades Slow

Morgan Stanley, one of the largest investment firms in the US, announced this morning that they have seen a 67% decrease in profits. The company has blamed this newest loss on slow trading numbers across the board as well as the still fragile economy in the US and abroad. In the past year Morgan Stanley […]

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