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Stories written by Richard Gibson

Google Groupon Deal Emerging

Google, the Silicon Valley search engine giant, is rumored to be discussing a new deal with daily deals site Groupon today. Groupon has been a target of many companies for the past year. It was rumored yesterday that Google had purchased the company for $2.5 billion. However, those rumors proved false as Groupon had recently turned […]

Casinos Rebound after Recession

Casinos were some of hardest hit companies in the US during the recession but a report yesterday showed that they are starting to rebound. Casinos were once considered recession proof businesses as even the Great Depression did not shutter the illegal gambling establishments that dotted the landscape. But this time the consumers in the US […]

Stocks Slide Despite Expected Upswing in Retail Setting

Stocks were down this week despite the expected gains in the holiday retail industry for the US marketplace. Industry experts have said that the stock slide is probably in relation to the issues with the Euro, once the strongest foreign currency that has recently dipped in market value. This has hit the US stock market […]

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