Author Archive
Stories written by Richard Gibson

Adult Internet Industry Rallies Against New Domains

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers announced this week that they have delayed installation of the anticipated .xxx domain extensions for the adult entertainment industry. For the past several years ICANN has said that they will install the new domain extension to group all adult entertainment sites under one common domain. During the […]

Former Goldman Programmer Found Guilty

A former Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty today in US District court of stealing high frequency trading source code from his former employer. Sergey Aleynikov, a 40-year-old Russian immigrant, worked for Goldman Sachs as a computer programmer. It was his job to make sure that the high frequency trading program that the company used […]

MasterCard Disabled over WikiLeaks Revenge

Credit card giant MasterCard said this morning that their entire US wing was disabled after cyber attacks crippled the system in revenge for the denial of service for WikiLeaks. This week MasterCard joined other financial companies in freezing the accounts for the infamous WikiLeaks. Like other companies, they are citing pressure from the US State […]

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