Author Archive
Stories written by Richard Gibson

Apple Co-Founder Jobs Receives just $1 in Salary

In a report filed with the federal government last week, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs announced that he received just $1 in salary from the company while serving as CEO. The tiny salary figure for the colorful tech figure is a symbolic gesture on the part of the Jobs. As the co-founder Jobs served as one […]

Starbucks Unveils New Logo

Starbucks coffee announced this morning that they would start using a new logo for all packaging in the US and abroad. The image of the new logo has stunned some people as it does not bear the name of the company. At this time the new logo features only the trademark mermaid that has become […]

Bank of America Buys Back Bad Mortgages

Bank of America executives announced today that they would buy back billions in mortgages that were made with faulty information and poor qualifications. According to the documents filed with the federal court system, Bank of America has agreed to buy back $12.8 billion in bad mortgages that were eventually sold to Freddie Mac and Fannie […]

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