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Stories written by Richard Gibson

Tribune Co. Hopes to Emerge From Bankruptcy

Massive media company Tribune Co. hopes that their newest plan, announced today, will be confirmed by a Delaware Bankruptcy court that will allow them to emerge from bankruptcy and continue with business reorganization. However, creditors are planning to announce competing plans for increased creditor payments. The Tribune Co. has been swimming in bankruptcy for the […]

McDonald’s Profits up Again

This morning McDonald’s Corporation announced that their third quarter profits rose by 10% and those profits will continue through the fourth quarter as momentum has been gained in the market. Analysts have said that the increase in profits for McDonald’s is not surprising. With the slow economy and jobless rates, consumers have turned to the […]

IBM Reports Higher Than Expected Earnings

IBM, known as Big Blue in the tech world, reported higher than expected earnings this morning. The tech giant beat all expectations with their new earnings report and stocks climbed throughout the day. However, at the end of the day’s trading the stock prices had fallen once again. IBM has struggled in recent years with […]

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