Author Archive
Stories written by Richard Gibson

MGM Bankruptcy Plan Approved

Struggling movie studio MGM has won approval for their bankruptcy plan that will not include a possible merger with Lions Gate Entertainment. Under the terms of the agreement, Spyglass Entertainment will take the helm of MGM. This plan has been approved by majority shareholder Carl Icahn. However, he has been the major push for Lions […]

LimeWire Ordered to Shut Down

LimeWire, the popular file sharing service on the web has been officially ordered to close after a suit was filed in open court. A US district court judge declared that the site and its software violated US and international copyright laws and could not legally continue with the file sharing service. LimeWire has been fighting these […]

RadioShack Revenue up 23%

Profits in RadioShack, reported in a statement today, are up 23% much higher than expected. The company released the statement that stunned the retail world as revenue numbers in the electronics retailer were expected to be low. Stocks in RadioShack were on the rise following the earnings report. The push to the mobile market has […]

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