Author Archive
Stories written by Richard Gibson

Starbucks and Kraft Near a Breakup

For the past 12 years, Kraft has been the single distributor for bagged coffee products through Starbucks according to a press release issue today by the company. This has been a partnership that has served Starbucks well, allowing them to keep their brand alive in areas where they have no live store presence.  However, Starbucks […]

BP Posts Profit as Spill Costs Rise

This morning the announcement came that BP will post a profit for the last quarter in the amount of $1.8 billion. For many companies this level of profit may be a blessing but for BP is shows that they are still struggling from the oil spill. The profit announcement came before the company announced that […]

Investors in Tribune Sue Banks

Investors in the bankrupt and deeply troubled Tribune Company have sued the banks that arranged for billions in financing for the media outlet.  According to the documents, the banks arranged for the financing knowing that the company would never be able to repay the massive debt.  This is the latest in the ongoing drama that […]

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