Author Archive
Stories written by Richard Gibson

The Daily Beast Merges with Newsweek

The Daily Beast, an internet based news outlet, has announced today that they will merge with New York based Newsweek. Newsweek, once owned by the Washington Post is now an independent news magazine. They announced the plan to merge with The Daily Beast several months ago but the deal was all but dead for a […]

Google Aims for Employee Retention with Pay Raise

Silicon Valley search giant Google announced this morning that they will be increasing the pay of all employees by 10%. This new announcement comes as no surprise to many in Silicon Valley. For the past several years Google has been losing some of their top talent to other tech related companies. Poaching of employees is […]

AOL Hires Advisers for Yahoo Deal

AOL stunned the tech world today when they announced that they have hired financial advisers to give them options about a possible partnership with Yahoo. This move increased the share prices for both companies soon after the announcement was made, and increased hopes that someone would buy Yahoo. AOL has said that this would not […]

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