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Stories written by Lucy Mitchell

AT&T Now Worst US Wireless Carrier

A new poll in the US released this morning shows that AT&T is the worst wireless carrier in the entire industry. This is a damning blow to the overall health of AT&T who is the main carrier for the Apple products in the wireless industry. For the past year customers have been rebelling against the […]

Samsung Galaxy Tab Ships 1 Million Units

Samsung, maker of the new Galaxy Tablet PC, announced last night that they had shipped 1 million units in the US since the tablets launch. The Galaxy tab was meant to be a direct competitor of the iPad from Apple. However, early on many were concerned because interest in the new device was very limited. […]

Google Slams Customer Bashing Web Retailer

Google, the Silicon Valley search engine giant, dealt a devastating blow to a top online retailer today when it pushed the companies search ranking to the lowest point., a retailer for glasses has been using a little known but once effective technique to bolster its position in the search rankings. The company started treating […]

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